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徐新 教授


  • IEEE Senior Member,入选湖北省青年科技晨光计划、湖北省第四届高校青年教师教学竞赛奖;当选武汉科技大学首届十佳优秀研究生导师、武汉科技大学第十届利尔杯十佳青年教师、武汉科技大学青年科技工作者协会理事。担任教育部相关人才计划的评审专家、国家留学基金委相关项目的评审专家;担任湖北/海南/山东/深圳等省市的科技成果奖励、重点研发项目、重点项目指南的评审专家;担任SCI国际期刊副主编/编委,十余个CCF-A类顶级刊物审稿人。长期从事计算机视觉和人工智能等领域的教学科研与成果转化工作,在面向夜间低照度场景的目标检测和行人重识别方向深入开展了相关研究。作为项目单位负责人先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,湖北省高校省级教学改革研究项目1项。在CCF-A类、IEEE/ACM Trans.、中科院SCI一区等国内外期刊上发表论文160余篇,授权专利及软著三十余项;成果入选CAA-A类国际期刊封面论文、CCF-B类国际会议最佳论文提名奖,获湖北省科技进步二等奖2项,在多个国际会议上做大会主旨报告(Keynote Speech)。


  • 国家自然科学基金(课题编号: 62376201) “面向长时安防监控的光照自适应行人重识别方法研究”
  • 国家自然科学基金(课题编号: U1803262) “面向社会安全的视频长程群体行人重识别与多元分析技术”
  • 国家自然科学基金(课题编号: 61602349) “面向夜间视频的视觉显著性模型研究”
  • 国家自然科学基金(课题编号: 61440016) “面向夜间视频的协同显著性目标检测关键技术研究”
  • 通讯作者论文

    • Shiqin Wang, Xin Xu, Xianzheng Ma, Kui Jiang, and Zheng Wang, “Informative Classes Matter: Towards Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Nighttime Semantic Segmentation.” in Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2023.
    • Zhijing Wan, Xin Xu, Zheng Wang, Zhixiang Wang, and Ruimin Hu, “From Multi-Source Virtual to Real: Effective Virtual Data Search for Vehicle Re-Identification.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
    • Xin Yuan, Xin Xu, Zheng Wang, Kai Zhang, Wei Liu, and Ruimin Hu, “Searching Parameterized Retrieval & Verification Loss for Re-identification.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2023.
    • Xin Xu, Wei Liu, Zheng Wang, Ruimin Hu, and Qi Tian, “Towards generalizable person re-identification with a bi-stream generative model,” Pattern Recognition, 2022.
    • Pengyu Xie, Xin Xu, Zheng Wang, and Toshihiko Yamasaki, “Sampling and re-weighting: towards diverse frame aware unsupervised video person re-identification.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.
    • Cunxing Lei, Xin Xu, Yingying Ma, Shikuan Jin, Boming Liu, and Wei Gong, “Full coverage estimation of the PM2.5 concentration across China based on an adaptive spatiotemporal approach.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022.
    • Xiao Wang, Zheng Wang, Wu Liu, Xin Xu, Qijun Zhao, and Shin'ichi Satoh, “Towards causality inference for very important person localization.” in Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2022.
    • Zhijing Wan, Xin Xu, Zheng Wang, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Xiaolong Zhang, and Ruimin Hu, “Efficient virtual data search for annotation-free vehicle reidentification.” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022, 37(5): 2988-3005. (封面论文)
    • Xin Xu, Xin Yuan, Zheng Wang, Kai Zhang, and Ruimin Hu, “Rank-in-Rank Loss for Person Re-identification.” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2022.
    • 邓梦娇,徐新,马盈盈,龚威,金适宽,胡瑞敏. 多层感知机结合辐射传输模型的复杂陆地表面云检测[J]. 电子学报, 2022.
    • Xin Xu, Lei Liu, Xiaolong Zhang, Weili Guan, and Ruimin Hu, “Rethinking data collection for person re-identification: active redundancy reduction,” Pattern Recognition, 2021, 113: 107827.
    • Xin Xu, Shiqin Wang, Zheng Wang, Xiaolong Zhang, and Ruimin Hu, “Exploring image enhancement for salient object detection in low light images.” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2021, 17(1s): art. no. 8.
    • Yang Zhu, Yingying Ma, Boming Liu, Xin Xu, Shikuan Jin, and Wei Gong, “Retrieving the vertical distribution of PM2.5 mass concentration from lidar via a random forest model.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, accepted.
    • Xiao Wang, Zheng Wang, Wu Liu, Xin Xu, Jing Chen, and Chia-Wen Lin, “Consistency-constancy bi-knowledge learning for pedestrian detection in night surveillance.” in Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021, pp. 4463-4471.
    • Pengyu Xie, Xin Xu, Zheng Wang, and Toshihiko Yamasaki, “Unsupervised video person re-identification via noise and hard frame aware clustering.” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2021), 2021, pp. 1-6. (最佳论文奖提名, 4/1321)
    • 徐新, 穆楠, 张晓龙. 一种鲁棒的夜间图像显著性对象检测模型[J]. 软件学报, 2018, 29(9): 2616-2631.